Is Enoch true? (Or possible partly true?)

I am not in favor of using out of nonBible sources see Deuteronomy 4:2/12:32 and 1 Corinthians 4:6 Proverbs30:6 Revelation 22:18-19

But to Enoch the Bible itself refers in Jude 1:14,that is also in Enoch 1:9 (Is this the book the Bible refers to ??)

But just to be clear, I see the Bible as the Word of God and the truth and is higher than the book of Enoch.

But I think Enoch may also be true even though I see the Bible higher. (Everything must be assayed by the Bible)

So see for yourself and judge for yourself what you think of it but this is one possibility of how other beliefs came into being which I think the Bible confirms.

at a given moment Enoch 17:10 = 15:10

How I personally think how other beliefs came about: (see also the pictures below the movie)


Click on the "Play" button and if there is top left "Buffering.." shown: just have patience..
